O1. – Offer an organized curriculum aligned to standards and outcomes.

Teacher-candidates align instruction to the learning standards and outcomes so all students know the learning targets and their progress toward meeting them.

In order for teachers to best serve their students they must take their time to plan lessons from curricula that is meaningful and will help the students to grow in whatever subject you are teaching them.

In my math methods class we were given an assignment to design our ideal math classroom, this included our classroom layout, how we would teach the standards and what manipulatives we would buy with an imaginary one thousand five hundred dollars. I have attached a copy of my project in the link below

Ideal Classroom project full

I feel as though this piece of evidence best represents my growing competency in this area because we had to go through all of the standards that I would have to teach in the grade level I chose. Then I had to decide how, what, when, and why I would be teaching the different skills that the students would need to learn. I also had to organize my classroom in such a way that it was best organized for math instruction.

In creating this ideal classroom project I got to experience what it is really like to have to plan out my classroom instruction from start to finish. I feel as though this is a good experience to go through right now as we are not doing a lot of instructional planning in our placement classrooms. There is so much planning that goes into making a classroom function to best fit the needs of the students.

I think that I provided the students in my pretend class a variety of opportunities to learn each skill and progress onto the next one. I feel as though I made it explicit that we would build up upon skills and would not move forward until students understand the present skill.

In the future I think that I could go one step further and actually use pieces of my classroom plan in my placement classroom. It would be interesting to see how my imaginary ideas played out with actual students.